
Ilgar Abbasov
Baku, AZ

Instacall is AI and Cloud based call center platform

B2B, Artificial Intelligence, SaaS


Instacall is a new generation AI and Cloud based call center that provides a better way for businesses to efficiently manage customer support and promises great customer satisfaction. Our next generation contact center is switching traditional call center logic into a virtualized and instant talk call center. Instacall is designed for companies that provide service to people. When we call the customer services of the companies, the system makes us wait on the line and the automatic voice says that click "1" for something or click "2" for something else, then we wait for the operator's answer on the line. In this period, caller waste their time and their sim card balance. So customers are being aggressive and unsatisfied. Nowadays, people don't want to wait on the line, speak with automatic voice and spend sim card balance, on the contrary, they want to get immediate support, instantly hear human voice and speak with smart voice. Instacall serves customers with AI based agents and can receive calls from social channels (WhatsApp, Bip, Telegram, Messenger etc.). By these two powerful solutions, companies can make their customers satisfied and happy. Callers directly talk with our AI based agents instead of waiting operator and wasting their time on the line. Customers explain call aim and virtual agents helps to give solutions to their requests. When callers call from social channels, they do not waste their sim card balance. AI-based agents will increase productivity, and reduce manual and time-consuming processes. Instacall offers call panel as an extension. It means if your companies have any working software system, you could download the call bar extension of Instacall to your browser and reach call bar easily anywhere. Instacall is a well-crafted call center system that presents many functional tools and has a simple user interface. Instacall assists your business and customers in providing effective and timely service.

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